Daymet Version Information Readme - Daymet Tiles ORNL DAAC, July, 2016 The most current Daymet data is being delivered to the user in terms of both Daymet software and Daymet data versions. Version information is recorded in the header file of each of the CF-netCDF files within the Global Attribute fields; Version_software and Version_data. Each Daymet variable within individual Daymet tiles has version information. This document records updates in the version record of the Daymet Tile netCDF files. July, 2016 ---------- ORNL DAAC Release of Daymet Version 3 Data. All Tile, All Files: Version_software = "Daymet Software Version 3.0" ; Version_data = "Daymet Data Version 3.0" ; May 6, 2014 ----------- ORNL rerun of individual Daymet tiles. Various Tiles, All files within. Version_software = "Daymet Software Version 2.1" ; Logical error in station gap-filling routine within Daymet algorithm fixed. For gap-filling of tmax and tmin nodata vales, station n-set within Daymet tile with same multiple missing days caused regression gap-filling error. Updated tile list: 1980: 10117, 10118, 10119, 10120, 9758, 9759, 9760, 9938, 9939, 9940 1984: 9761 1989: 11745, 11925 1992: 11022 1998: 10833, 10835, 10837, 11017, 11195 1999: 10119, 10122, 10299, 10302, 10480, 10482 2004: 10478 2007: 10836, 11016, 12455 2008: 9582, 9585, 9760, 9761, 9762, 9940, 9941, 9942, 10120, 10121, 10122, 10832, 10833, 10834, 11012, 11013 2009: 11021, 11022, 11200, 11380, 11382 2010: 10121, 10122 2012: 11021, 11556, 11559, 11736, 11739, 11916, 12293 July 3, 2013 ------------ ORNL Release of Year 2012 Daymet Data. All Tiles, All Files: Version_data = "Daymet Data Version 2.2" ; Input ground weather station data processed within the Daymet algorithms under an updated routine. May 10, 2012 ------------ Original ORNL Daymet Release - Years 1980 - 2011. All Tiles, All Files: Version_software = "Daymet Software Version 2.0" ; Version_data = "Daymet Data Version 2.1" ;